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Programming Robotic Mice

March 30, 2019
Programming Robotic Mice

St. Anthony de Padua

The Kindergarten students of St. Anthony de Padua have been working on learning the ins and outs of computer coding, programming and algorithms. Throughout the unit, students have been able to define algorithms and how computers and robots use them to complete certain actions. The final project was creating a maze for their robotic mouse to travel through in order to get the mouse to its cheese. The students had to work collaboratively to program the mouse to travel through the maze without running into obstacles (or running off the track!). The students also learned a very important part of computer programming: looking for bugs! Bugs are mistakes in the code that prevent the program from completing a task. The students found quite a few bugs the first time they programmed their mouse, but with a few revisions, their robot mice were running through their mazes with precision.