Schools across the country participated in this year’s Catholic Schools Week, which was hosted by the National Catholic Educational Association. During this week, communities celebrated the theme ‘Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.’ From Jan. 31st to Feb. 6th, schools held all-school Masses, community events and fun activities to celebrate their years of providing Catholic education!
The Holy Name of Jesus School in Los Angeles, CA began their week with an Opening Assembly to celebrate this year’s theme, ‘Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.’ After their opening assembly, the school continued their week with a Parent Tours, Mass and a Community Service Day. During the Community Service day, students visited local preschools to read to preschool children. The school also held a Buddy Day and a Game Day for its students, celebrating their Catholic community!
At De La Salle Blackfeet School in Browning, MT, Catholic Schools Week was full of fun and exciting activities for students and families alike! The school hosted a variety of events including school-wide Masses and Prayer led by students, a Random Acts of Kindness Campaign and a Family Lunch. Students also had the chance to compete in a door-decorating competition, a Scavenger Hunts, an essay contest, Bingo Night and an art contest. The school ended the week with a “Students versus Faculty” Basketball game and Talent Show, where students could share their talents with the whole community.
It was a fun week of activities for the Catholic Schools of Fairbanks in Alaska! Events included an all school Mass, all school prayer chain, canned food and sock drives and lunch with students’ families. During the week, the CSF staff also performed a dance with the cheerleading team as a community building activity.
The Black and Indian Mission Office is proud to support Catholic Schools across the country, helping them provide quality Catholic education to students in African-American and Native communities!