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St. Kateri Mission Activities

February 18, 2020

St. Kateri Mission

St Kateri Tekakwitha Mission Church continues to be deeply grateful to the Black and Indian Missions for the generous funding. Every Sunday, we gather after church for snacks in the Hall. At these impromptu gatherings, we plan fundraisers and enjoy each other’s food offerings. The Annual Dinner Auction was held on Friday, Dec 6th. The event was very successful; yielding over $3000. $1000 of the total yield was a single donation from an anonymous donor. One of our parishioners also donated all the meat. Another parish family donated many of the items to be auctioned. It was a joyful and fruitful evening.

The church maintenance is in good standing. Our new Tabernacle is now fastened to the wall and floor; and we are dedicating it on Feb 23rd. The waterline is fixed and backfilled, and the trees are trimmed away from the powerlines. The congregation is excited to have two more people helping with the music for Liturgy. Jim and Tracy lend their enthusiasm, their good voices and their prayerful approach to the music team.

St Kateri has also started a Rosary Group that meets on Wednesdays at 5:30pm. The last group was 6 strong. We start with a song, say the Rosary together and end with a few more songs.

We appreciate all the good priests who have tended to the mission: Fathers Francis, Pacheco, Cloney, and Brady, as well as Deacon John Gai and Gail Gai and Deacon Ken Bond and Rose Bond. Also, sincere thanks to Lou Bull who continues to help with the preparation of the bulletins and the documentation for the Finance Committee meetings.