Pray the Lord of the harvest to send
laborers into His harvest…
We want to witness to young people that vocations are possible for Black people in the Catholic Church.
— Sister Donna Banfield, S.B.S.
When you have Native Americans doing the ministry they bring an aspect that no one else can bring.
— Father Dale Jamison, O.F.M.
Vocation Spotlight
BIMO is committed to fostering vocations in the Native and African American communities we serve
through tuition support and advocacy on the national Catholic stage.

Sister Donna Banfield, a Sister of the Blessed Sacrament, “raises the expectations” at Notre Dame Academy in Savannah, Georgia, where she currently serves as principal:”
‘…As predominately students of color, they must be prepared for life’s challenges, whether they arise inside or outside the classroom,’ Banfield said candidly. ‘I know our children will be judged harsher than some, so they need to understand that now,’ she said. ‘I want them not going into [high] school not being prepared and looked upon as not quite able to make the grade.’
That attitude isn’t all that surprising considering the New Jersey native is a member of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, a religious order of nuns founded by Saint Katherine Drexel, who was devoted to improving the lives of black and Native Americans.” –Savannah Morning News, June 10, 2013
Want to find out more about serving the Lord?
- BIMO’s 2012 Black and Indian Vocations brochure (large PDF file)
- National Black Catholic Seminarians Association (Facebook page)
- National Black Catholic Sisters’ Conference
- USCCB Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations
- Facebook page
Help encourage vocations in your parish or school! Click here for the Best Practices for Vocation Awareness manual from BIMO.