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Black Catholic Mission

Our Catholic faith lived out

St. Peter Claver Catholic School

A staple around the school is the Mass choir lead by the 4th-grade teacher, Dr. Manning. She pushes the students to sing to the Lord with a heart filled with gratitude. It’s a great way to celebrate Mass. We also had two resource teachers, the reading coach and ESE teacher that stepped up to take over the intermediate grades to provide consistency to the students. The teachers make our school a great place to learn.

Flat Teacher Project

St. Lawrence School

I miss my students greatly, and I know how disappointed they were that we would not finish the school year in our typically classroom setting. In order to brighten my students’ day during this difficult Coivd-19 time, I found a wonderful project online that another teacher had created. It is based on the popular children’s book Flat Stanley. The original project that many teachers do with their students is to have the children send a Flat Stanley picture to a friend or relative and document Stanley’s adventures.

Winter at SPCCS

St. Peter Claver Catholic School

St. Peter Claver Catholic School continues to educate students as one of the oldest black schools, public or private, still functioning in Hillsborough County, Florida. We celebrate every year in September with a Mass where the students, families, and parishioners and later with a picnic sponsored by St. Peter Claver Catholic Church. This Winter, the students also got a treat by being able to listen and participate to Babatunde Akinboboye Largo, who is a Hip Hopera artist.

Cardinal Spellman High School's Mission Marches On!

Cardinal Spellman High School

At Cardinal Spellman High School in Brockton, learning continues though the campus has been temporarily closed since March 13th due to the Covid19 crisis. The attached photos represent some of our highlights for the past few months. Our sophomores "served like Jesus" during their retreat day on March 1. Our students and teachers seamlessly transitioned to online learning and daily prayer. Our Seniors were honored through virtual honors and public displays of school pride.

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