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November News at St. Kateri Mission

December 02, 2019

St. Kateri Tekakwitha Mission

Kateri Tekakwitha continues to celebrate a weekly Mass and usually an impromptu gathering afterwards. Many Sundays, the congregation will linger to share snacks in the Hall, discuss our next fundraiser; or to do some maintenance cleaning. Attendance numbers in November have risen again after a quieter October. We have gained a few new parishioners and morale is up. We held two Rummage sales this quarter and netted 560 dollars; and we are preparing for our Dinner Auction on December 6th , which is our largest fundraiser of the year.

We fixed the leaky water line. This time, it was a large feeder line that runs along the front of the church, apparently going nowhere. We capped the pipe; and surmised that it led to the bare lot by the road. At one time, that lot housed a very sad and abandoned rundown trailer which was surrounded by years of accumulated household waste. Years ago, a kind parishioner bought the lot from the family that owned it and it was restored to wild berries and grass.

Our tenants in the St Kateri Rectory have agreed to pay a little more rent in response to the increased property taxes. Also, we hope to host more Tribal meetings and workshops in the summer.

We continue to pray for our older parishioners and priests. We continue to be appreciative of the clergy who serve us. St Kateri Parish is alive and well!

Vicky Kurtz Cleaning After Church

Vicky Kurtz Cleaning After Church

At the Rummage Sale

At the Rummage Sale

At the Rummage Sale

At the Rummage Sale

Irma Matilton Battling Spiders After Mass

Irma Matilton Battling Spiders After Mass