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SMDP Faith Formation Potpourri

February 13, 2019
RCIA Class

St. Martin de Porres Parish, Archdiocese of Milwaukee

#1 At St. Martin de Porres, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is an ongoing program with weekly classes starting in September to March. This is a collaborative group with 7 urban parishes for adults preparing for full initiation into the Catholic church at Easter Vigil. The number of participants ranges from 20+ people. This program includes weekly classes with experienced lecturers and group discussion. There is fellowship and prayer.

Different instructors each week prepare adults to become fully initiated into the Catholic faith. Each class is instructed to have an information session where the instructor talks to the class about a specific topic then the class breaks off into small groups to discuss topics the instructor gives out; then they return to the large group to discuss. The Liguori Publications, Journey of Faith workbooks are used and are given out to each person in the class to read the subject for the week, so that they have some idea of the subject matter to be discussed the week of class. There is always time for questions, answers and open discussion. The class shares a light dinner as the class is in the evening, and many of these adults come to class straight from their jobs. The class goes to the Cathedral to celebrate the Rite of Election and the call to continuing conversion with the larger Milwaukee Diocese. The group is presented to the Archbishop or Bishop during Lent.

#2 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION includes children who are trained to be acolytes to serve at Mass. This ministry prepares children from the time they receive First Communion to become active in the Mass. The inclusion of children is the future of the Church.

A special Mass was held at St. Martin de Porres (SMDP.) The Most Reverend Archbishop Listecki came to visit and celebrated Mass with us. Four of the children – 2 girls and 2 boys - served at Mass. All 4 children serve as altar servers at different Masses during the year. During this service with the Archbishop there are many different tasks for the servers. A special practice was held with the servers. The rubrics of a liturgy were followed when celebrated by the Archbishop. In addition, this Sunday with the Archbishop was the third Sunday of Advent. At SMDP, a family lights the Advent candles. This was a very special Mass, and the children were excellent although very nervous. The Archbishop of Milwaukee is very personable and puts the servers at ease. SMDP felt very privileged to have the Archbishop visit, and we all were very proud of our youth on the outstanding job they did to represent our parish. They received a blessed rosary from the Archbishop.

#3 PARISH LIFE All members, all ages sharing and having fun. This allows all of the parish to get to know each other in a relaxed, fun environment.

During the Christmas season a Christmas cookie decorating party after Mass was held one Sunday. This project was for all the children in the religious education program. All ages were involved with this project. The children rolled dough out with a rolling pin ---a cooking tool that most of the children had never seen before! Each child decorated and baked cookies. Several volunteers helped with this project, and it was reported that there was a lot of eating, laughing and fun. This day was the same day that adults decorated the parish environment for the Christmas season. These adults were happily available to be cookie tasters! This was a great time to bring the children and adult parishioners together and have fun.

#4 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION – Hospitality for the entire parish, the meal was shared in the joy of Christmas. The entire parish was invited.

The Religious Education program sponsored a pancake breakfast for the entire parish community. It was a great success. The main cook for this breakfast is a parishioner who is a professional chef, and he helped the volunteers cook up and serve a delicious breakfast after Mass. Pancakes, sausage, bacon and scrambled eggs were on the menu. A wonderful time was had by all eating and enjoying the company of many parishioners. This breakfast was the same Sunday that the giving tree party was held as well. Donations from parishioners as well as from the Black and Indian Mission Grant Funds made this possible with gifts for all the children in the parish. They received a toy, and a friend of a parishioner came and surprised everyone as Santa giving the children a “bag of goodies”. It was a great way to share fellowship with the young and the old at SMDP.

#5 CONFIRMATION – Preparing Teens for the Sacrament of Confirmation--- Time spent learning about the Catholic faith and being on a journey with other teens and adults who are committed to be on the journey with the teens making sure they have the tools needed to continue their faith.

This group consisted of leaders and teens who are preparing for Confirmation. An overnight weekend retreat was held at Mt. Calvary, WI. The location is approximately 50 miles from Milwaukee. This is a high school for boys. The students at the school were still on Christmas break so there was privacy and all the amenities of the school were from early Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon. The adult leaders planned sessions. To start the day, the rules and the logistics of the school were held followed by an ice breaker and then right into sessions. The teens prepared the Mass for later Saturday night. It was great! There were 3 sessions on Saturday and Sunday, with meals prepared each day. There was free time, and the teens really became close as a group. All are looking forward to Confirmation with the Archbishop or Bishop on May 12th.

Mass Celebration with The Most Reverend Archbiship Listecki

Mass Celebration with The Most Reverend Archbiship Listecki

Christmas Cookie Decoration Party with Children and Adults

Christmas Cookie Decoration Party with Children and Adults

Parish Pancake Breakfast

Parish Pancake Breakfast

Teen Confirmation Retreat

Teen Confirmation Retreat