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So Grateful for God’s Grace

March 11, 2020

St. Peter the Apostle Parish

December 2019 was truly a wonderful and exciting time because for the first time, we celebrated Christmas in our new church. Since 2005, we faithfully served God on the church grounds, a tent, a school auditorium, Sacred Heart in Pascagoula and the Parish Life Center. For one year, we have attended Mass and use the kneelers in adoration, showing reverence to God in appreciation for the remarkable place of worship He has provided for us to pray. The parish held a three day Advent Revival in December with Rev. Sidney Speaks, who reflected on his personal journey to the priesthood under the theme “Through It All.” The Saints Praise Team concluded the last night with a meditation through Song and Liturgical Dance during the Revival Mass. The Religious Education Christmas Play eagerly displayed the Holy Family using modern day situations to demonstrate family values as the cast portrayed the theme “An Attitude of Gratitude.” The Gospel Choir celebrated 41 years of service as musicians, choirs, soloists and praise teams from the community saluted the work of the hands of the Lord. The theme was “Through It All: We’ve Come this Far by Faith.”