St. Rita Church
The youth of St. Rita parish (Y.U.P. Youth United with a Purpose) meet regularly on the third Sunday of each month. Each month is a planned agenda with their Youth Board and the Senior Board, where they decide on plans, based on their previous meetings. They come together in small groups for prayer, something called “Weekly Highs & Lows”, fellowship and to plan events and activities that support the ministry, families and the parish, to ensure that they are fulfilling their roles as members of the parish. The youth show a willingness to learn their faith and what it means to be a Catholic. They show special respect for our senior parishioners. Whenever there is a celebration/fellowship where food is served (upstairs or downstairs), the young people make sure that the seniors with mobility issues receive their meals. The High School Youth also can participate in NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference on the odd year in November). The even year is a smaller local conference called IGNITE, hosted at High School or state college. These two events are times of discernment, focus and prayer, praise and worship. Also, an opportunity to meet new friends from across the country. During the holidays, Youth Ministry created a 'Seasoned Seniors' program, where they decide which senior, through a selection process, the name is pulled, and they carry out their plan by Christmas shopping for the seniors that were selected. These gifts are presented to those seniors after mass privately, those seniors are surprised and very grateful.
Youth Ministry also has Annual Christmas Party in December. They decorate the night before and welcome all youth and the community to the Christmas Party. There is also a visit from Santa. They keep those decorations up for any ministry hosting a meeting in the area. As if the young people weren't busy enough during the holidays, they presented a Nativity skit in which they did an amazing job acting out the Gospel, with live animals. In this last quarter, the young people of St. Rita parish continue to minister to the parish as altar servers, lectors, ushers, etc. The primary grades and the High School youth are most prominent in serving the parish community. Annually the Youth host a Youth Led Revival during Black History month, where it turns into a beautiful. Ecumenical Service. They often evangelize by bringing friends to mass and to various celebrations/events. Also, our young parishioners in college that attend services/events during breaks, don't hesitate to step up and reunite with fellow parishioners.