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Youth Summer Program

July 12, 2022

St. Joseph Apache Mission

Only staff members that are involved with summer youth programs can understand the hard work that it takes to organize and implement them.

I’d like to introduce the woman that not only keeps things on track for our summer program, but year around, Mary Mendez has been involved with our Mission since the mid-1970s and has been our receptionist for many years.

Mary is a member of the Gros Ventre in Montana. She met her husband at the Santa Fe Indian School and after Delbert’s tour of duty in the Navy they moved to Delbert’s home in Mescalero.

Mary is truly a God send. She knows what everyone needs and always pitches in without being asked. She has watched her children, grandchildren and now great grandchildren grow in their understanding and love of our faith.

The volunteers that help Sr. Robert-Ann Hecker and Harry Vasile teach the different age groups appreciate the hard work Mary puts in to make sure everyone has the things they need. The children love snack time from hotdogs and pizza to cookies and cake, Mary makes sure the kids are respectful and get their fair share of goodies.

Since 2018 Mary has taken on the secretary’s job besides her receptionist duties, learning her way around the computer has been the hardest challenge, as she would tell you she would rather be cleaning. Cleaning is not usually the duty of a receptionist, but Mary likes a tidy home and workplace. All the staff here at St. Joseph Apache Mission appreciate all that Mary is and does for everyone.