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Rediscover Jesus - An Invitation to YOU

November 29, 2019

Kateri Northwest Ministry Institute

In a time when a reawakening of faith, honesty, good values, sincerity, compassion, politeness, and everything that God would want us to be are much needed, our Kateri groups have begun to study the book, Rediscover Jesus: An Invitation. This book was recommended by one of the participants from Great Falls, Montana, Bonnie Lankford. I asked Bonnie what it is about this book that spoke to her that she would want to share its message with the rest of the Kateri participants.

Bonnie loves Matthew Kelly’s books. She also read Rediscover Catholicism during Lent and feels that Matthew Kelly has a unique way of wording his thoughts and ideas of what it means to be a Catholic and to follow Jesus. While reading Rediscover Jesus, she felt that if Jesus came to her and asked, ”Who do you say that I am?,” she herself better be able to live out the values and example that Jesus set in his own life on earth. Jesus is the example for all of us in how to live our lives in a way that God meant for us to be.

The presentations and discussions on the theology of the scriptures during the Kateri classes can get quite deep, but Bonnie feels that the language in Rediscover Jesus is very down-to-earth and brings an understanding of who Jesus is in a very inviting way. The elders in the Kateri Program have been reflecting upon how the Church was when they grew up, how the Church has changed so much, how it is so new and different, and how they have grown with all the changes. Rediscover Jesus helps them to broaden their minds about the Church as well as be better able to understand the younger generations and their concept of Church.

Bonnie hopes that studying this book will help the other participants in the Kateri Program to change in a way that their relationship with Jesus will deepen and grow. She hopes that it opens people up to become better persons in their various ministries in the Church and in their lives, and to accept others where they are in their spiritual journeys.

This is an invitation to you to “Rediscover Jesus.”

Gordo, Jerome

Gordo, Jerome

Maureen with the Spokane Group

Maureen with the Spokane Group

Maureen with the St. Ignatius Group

Maureen with the St. Ignatius Group

Maria Trevino

Maria Trevino