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News and Events

Indian Mission | 

We had a Christmas dinner for the SFM Youth group and families on December 22, 2023. The youth and families made gingerbread houses and decorated cakes. We fed the youth and families a delicious dinner. We are thankful for all the families who came and participated.

Indian Mission | 

Although Sapa Un strives in a strong education and leadership. We find ways to keep our students in engaged and having fun. We have had a mini Christmas tree showcase and contest in which the parents were the judges.

Black Catholic Mission | 

A month-long celebration dedicated to honoring the lives and achievements of African Americans who have profoundly impacted society.

Black Catholic Mission | 

Every Sunday in February different parish groups hosted the celebration in the liturgy with choir, Church History and Initiation of our 80 anniversary as a mission.

Black Catholic Mission | 

St. Mary Catholic School celebrate Catholic Schools Week on January 28-February 3, 2024. The theme this year is Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community.

Black Catholic Mission | 

Renowned educator and motivational speaker Audrey Davis-Dunning

Indian Mission | 

Currently, the Diocese of Fairbanks has just 10 priests to serve its 38 rural churches across western Alaska, with one additional part-time priest from Michigan who flies to several of the most remote villages a few times per year.

Indian Mission | 

BIMO funds were used during the grant period for general operating expenses of Holy Rosary Mission, including supporting Angie Stover’s, a commissioned Lakota Lay Minister.

Black Catholic Mission | 

Field trips at the Washington School for Girls are an important part of our innovative program and creative educational approach. Beyond the confines of a traditional classroom, these excursions are dynamic learning.