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Faith Formation

March 02, 2022

St. Mary and St. Anthony Catholic Churches

Faith Formation for both St. Anthony’s and St. Mary’s continues to be coordinated with the local school’s 21st Century after school program. This allows students to have transportation home after faith formation or sacrament prep sessions. 

We continue to use the Christ in Us program by Sadlier Religion for the regular formation class. We are using the Sadlier Sacrament Program for the Restored Order for Sacrament Prep. Classes are held two days in Box Elder and two days in Rocky Boy. 

Covid-19 continues to be a challenge this school year. After school activities have been canceled due to too many cases in the school. Also, in person regular school has gone remote in January and therefore after school activities had been canceled. Weather has also caused interruptions to the continuity of the program. 

Both Box Elder and Rocky Boy Schools continue to support our Faith Formation sessions. Box Elder has provided classroom space due to conflicts with St. Anthony’s. Rocky Boy continues to provide classroom space while St. Mary’s is still under construction. 

Construction at St. Mary’s is nearing completion. A fire in December 2019 due to a faulty furnace consumed the building rendering it a total loss. 

We are actively in a state of rebuilding the church. We are rebuilding the structure as well as the members of the Church. As with most churches we are competing with sports, activities and not making worshiping a priority. The students we do have attending Faith Formation and Sacrament Prep sessions are being guided by the Holy Spirit. We are planting the mustard seed of faith and with careful tending we hope to have spiritual faithful children of God. 

Some of the same students attend Faith Formation one day and the next day Sacrament Prep. Currently we are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is rewarding when students make the connections between sin, forgiveness, and God’s love for us. An age-appropriate Examination of Conscience is used to help them understand sin and not following the Commandments. We are also learning an Act of Contrition as well as prayers. The prayers we are learning, and understanding are the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, The Glory Be and the Sign of the Cross. Our goal will then be put these together to pray the Rosary. The students have noticed Mary’s arms welcoming them, almost to have her tell them they are loved and here is a hug. 

I am excited to be one of a hundred seats for the Catechist Certification Program from Augustine Institute. I will have 1 year to complete the course of 26 lessons. We are fortunate that our Diocese has seen a need and a means to provide training for Catechists. 

Thank you for your continued support of both St. Anthony’s and St. Mary’s Faith Formation Programs. 

Lori Osgood

St. Mary’s and St. Anthony’s DRE