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Quarterly Grant Report-November 2020 Report

November 17, 2020

Sacred Heart Catholic Parish/School

Sacred Heart Catholic School in Shawano has had a very exciting school year with both in person and virtual instruction so far. We are so excited to share that our enrollment is the highest it has been in over 15 school years! While things may seem a little different than in years past, the education, fun, excitement and creativity that our dedicated staff have packed into each day continues. We know that school is not only about academics, but is also about the social, spiritual, physical, and emotional health of the whole child.

We developed a Return to School Plan that includes a blended learning model, touch free hand sanitizer stations, social distancing seating in the lunchroom and classrooms, deep cleaning regiments, hallway flow reduction markers, water fountain upgrades, face mask usage given the extended face covering mandate from Wisconsin’s Governor Evers for our K-8 students, and lesson development and implementation to support students on good hand washing and hygiene.

Sacred Heart Catholic School is dedicated to enriching the lives of its students by offering a faith-filled environment that supports the academic, social, physical, behavioral, and spiritual development of each child. Through the various classroom, school, and community wide projects, events, and activities like the ones listed below that we have completed this first quarter of school, our students have already experienced a one of kind education in just the first few months of the school year. Our goal at Sacred Heart Catholic School is to create lifelong learners, who grow a true love for learning and for Jesus!

• Kindergarten Class- Pumpkin carving, Veteran’s Day Play

• 4K 'Shining Stars' worked hard learning opposites. Students explored their classroom and used learning enhancement manipulatives to demonstrate their knowledge of opposites such as full and empty and on and off.

• Middle School- social distanced classroom discussions prove effective and important to safely learning while in class.

• Veteran’s Day Ceremony- held socially distanced in the gymnasium this year with videos, prayers, slideshows, and song.

• 5th grade-November 10 was International wear your Camp Tekakwitha T-shirt Day and because the 5th grade classroom is named after Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, all students in Miss Kaitlynn Kupsky's class received a free shirt from Camp Tekakwitha to represent the Camp and Saint Kateri Tekakwitha! The students and their teacher are very appreciative of the camp's generosity and were excited at the opportunity to showcase Saint Kateri and their love of Camp Tek.

• Miss Stepanek's 4th graders had the fun task of building their own skeletons after studying bones in class. Each student was partnered up and given the task of piecing together the human skeleton in the correct place and with the correct name label.

• Parachute Unit in 6th-8th grades- Mrs. Kenfield’s Physical Education classes at Sacred Heart Catholic School had a great time working on a parachute unit. Although the children had an awesome time using the parachute, this unit actually worked on many important skills like cooperation, the ability to stop and start when prompted, and the crucial ability to listen and follow directions.

• 3 weeks of Virtual Learning- Our students and families did an amazing job during our three weeks of virtual learning in early October. Our teachers worked very hard each day to ensure each student's academic success while still helping them feel emotionally connected to one another. Teachers me with students as a class, in small groups, and even one on one using Google Classroom Meet which has been a huge blessing to them all.