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Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School News Flash Update

November 21, 2019

Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School

The 2019-20 school year is in full swing at Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School. We began our year with over 130 students enrolled with approximately 50 new students – a record for our school. Our theme this year is in honor of our school namesake, Sr. Thea – “Living Her Dream – Remember Whose You Are and Who You Are”. As you walk the hallways of our school – you will see that we are honoring all of the African Americans who are being considered for Sainthood along with Sr. Thea.

We have started a few new programs this year – The Believe! Project, is a kindergarten through third grade reading resource room that helps our students become competent and confident readers by the end of third grade. We partnered with the St. Louis Black Authors, Scholastic Books (to bring in books authored by Black authors), IKEA to bring soft cushions, seating and tables for a child to grab a book, chill and read.

Our Junior High students, have started our Operation Green School project. We are looking for ways to reduce, reuse and recycle to take care of all of God’s creations. We will use experiential based learning guided by our project manager. As we learn we will determine what types recycling and reuse that we can adopt for our school.

Kindergarten through 8th Grade is enjoying our new Science Curriculum – mySci - we partnered with Washington University to bring an age appropriate Science classroom in a tote. Each quarter a new tote is delivered that has all of the Science reading content, experiments and teacher guides. The students love this new program, our materials will always be updated and relevant.

Our graduates are attending the high schools of their choice. 99% of our alumni graduate high school on time and are attending a number of Catholic schools in our region. They include Althoff Catholic High and Gibault High in IL and Cardinal Ritter College Preparatory, Nerinx Hall, Rosati-Kain and St. Louis University High School to name a few in St. Louis, MO. Fr. Carroll, OFM celebrates our mass each week, sits on our advisory board and is very active in our school.

One of our elders in the community shared the possibility - dream of your future and recited a poem for all of our students.
Graduate from May 2019 – attending Cardinal Ritter College Preparatory High this fall. Fr. Carroll assists with the diplomas and celebrating our Graduation Mass.
Students tour Alberici’s World Headquarters – Platinum LEED building in St. Louis. Far left, presentation and tour was facilitated by Mr. John Alberici, Chairman.