St. Augustine of Hippo Catholic Church
Some highlights of our activities, which funding from the Black and Indian Mission of the Black and Indian Mission Office has helped to make possible, are listed below.
We use the Grant to assist with our worship by helping us to purchase Workbooks for our Lectors and helping with the decoration of the Church for the various seasons.
Our Faith Formation Director, Diane Sonneman, continued the faith formation of our adults on a monthly basis using the “Good News People” program. The program included an “immersion” experience where each group visited and helped at some “out-reach” ministry in the area.
Our Faith Formation Director also oversees our Religious Formation for our children through our Sacramental Preparation programs and our at-home catechesis. The Grant helps with the purchase of materials for our children. We also have a separate Catechist working with our youth, parents and sponsors preparing for Confirmation.
This past September we held our Annual Revival with Fr. Maurice Nutt as our preacher. It was a three night event that was well attended with a powerful message about forgiveness delivered by Fr. Nutt.
Our Youth Ministers continue to work with our teen-agers and young adults. Much of their ministry involves use of the internet to keep in touch with people who are away at school but they still stay connected with the Parish.
We have established a reading table in the Church on which we place weekly magazines, articles and books on our Catholic Faith and social issues. At Christmas Time we also provide a gift of a book on the Catholic Faith to every household. This year one of the books was “The Beautiful Eucharist” by Matthew Kelly. These special Christmas gifts are always well received.
Our Parish is also an active participant on the Diocesan Racial Justice and Equity Committee which works to promote understanding and appreciation of African American Spirituality and issues of social justice.
Finally, we have expanded our modern technology to include Flock Notes to send all our members who wish daily information and reflections on the Catholic Faith. This has proven a valuable ministry that many parishioners really appreciate.
Support from the Black and Indian Missions is an important part of being able to sustain these important ministries. Please thank the donors for their support of our ministry.