St. Rita Church Spanish Community celebrated Our Lady of Guadalupe with a procession before Mass on Sunday, Dec. 12, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
On August 15th this year we only had one Mass here at the Sacred Heart Mission. The Coeur d’Alene Tribe has been celebrating the Feast of Assumption at Cataldo every year with the Bishop.
With the purpose of reassuring the ability to be both Catholic and Native American, the Many Nations Saint Kateri Circle shared their culture with guests who attended.
Every month at our Native American Heritage Mass, more than 50 people gather around the table of the Lord calling upon “Grandfather,” God who Created us, to hear their thanks.
These are the words for THANKS in the Winnebago and Omaha languages. We are grateful to the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions for supporting our religious education and outreach programs.