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All Saints Catholic Church Supports Lay Ministry

August 16, 2019

All Saints Catholic Church

All Saints is nearing the end of the 2018-2019 Black and Indian Grant cycle. Fewer funds were available and expended this quarter for leadership, faith formation and evangelization. In June, a member of the pastoral staff received her Certificate in Lay Ministry after completing two years of Saturday classes at Cardinal Stritch University. Her studies over the past two years were supported by the B&I Grant. This member of the pastoral staff is now prepared to actively contribute to ministry leadership and to enrich her colleagues with the fruits of her studies.

Parish faith formation programming continued strong this past quarter with B&I Grant support for a weeklong vacation bible school open to parishioner and neighborhood children. Publicized through parish communication outlets and food programs, the Vacation Bible School was also viewed as an evangelization opportunity. Approximately 10 children participated with a ratio of one catechist for every two children. This instructional intimacy was viewed as very fruitful for catechetical learning, and children’s spiritual growth. Children learned Bible stories through group reading, games, and art projects. In addition, the children were provided with a hot lunch and a less structured time to interact with their catechists. In a neighborhood where the summer was marked by the shooting deaths of two innocent children, and several others were hurt by random gun fire, Vacation Bible School is an important opportunity for children to come together in a safe and peaceful environment. In this activity they are able to meet the Christ of little children and to share their stories, insights and questions with catechists who love them. We are hoping for continued B&I Grant funds to grow this program.