Church of St. Anthony, Mandaree
The Black & Indian Grant has helped St. Anthony of Mandaree to provided many different opportunities for our students.
One opportunity that we provided was St. Anthony CLC (Christian Life Camp) which took place last year from July 9 – 13; July16 -23. Week I is put on with our own people from the Diocese of Bismarck, Week II is sponsored with a group of adults and students from the states of MN and Wisconsin. This is an overnight camp. This camp provided students with the opportunity for daily Mass, Adoration, Confession and learning daily about the Catholic faith. This was entwined throughout the day with plays, skits and recreational activities. Breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks are provided throughout day. We are now in the process of looking for help our camp. We need donations for food, carnival prizes, toiletries.
Our grant money will help us to fill in the gaps where we don’t have enough donations.
St. Anthony of Mandaree also provides Faith Formation classes on Wednesday evenings. We began in October and will go through May. We need to provided teacher and student workbooks, Biblical Movies, prayer incentives and we also provide a small snack for our students in attendance. The grant monies have helped to support these items as the teachers volunteer their time. Our Faith Formation classes ended on May 10th and we celebrated with a picnic/bbq. We were able to use funds for food and purchasing of games for the students to play.
We have not yet opened up the Atrium for faith formation classes of Catechist’s of the Good Shepherd. We needed to buy supplies for the Level I of Catechist’s of the Good Shepherd and have purchased them. This has not changed this quarter but we continue to look for teachers and will use these funds to pay for tuition.
We continue to prepare adults and children as well for the Sacraments. In order to do so we also have to buy materials and supplies and have used these grant monies for this. We have prepared children for Baptism, First Holy Communion, Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Confirmation. Fr. Roger continues to do Marriage preparation and other classes as well. We are always looking for different materials and ways to teach these Sacraments and continue to build our curriculum of materials to use. This summer I will be preparing students for receiving the sacraments at the camp.