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Tuition Assistance Funds At Work

June 01, 2019

Native American Concern - St. Helen School

Native Americans are a scattered people with no central “home parish” or school thus the Office of Native American Concerns was established to promote evangelization efforts whenever and wherever the opportunity exists.

Grant monies from the Black and Indian Mission Office make it possible for tuition assistance to be given to Native American children who will be attending Catholic schools. Children are our future and a Catholic education provides the excellent academic preparation needed to excel in today’s world. It also fosters and grows a solid understanding of our Catholic faith and teaches our children to walk in the ways of our brother Jesus Christ; peacefully and compassionately.

Depicted in the pictures is Arturo Corona a proud Akimel O’odham / Navajo Honor Roll student who attends St. Helen School. Tuition assistance has afforded him the fine Catholic education that has seen him participating in three Academic Decathlons. It has also been key to the his becoming a recipient of two substantial scholarships; one from the Gila River Akimel O’odham Tribe and one from Cathedral High School where he will be attending this Fall.

Just a note: Arturo’s great-grandfather was a Navajo Code Talker. Helping Arturo is a wonderful way to give back to the family who gave to the country.