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Increasing Educational Opportunities

May 06, 2022

York Catholic Middle & High School

York Catholic Middle and High School is increasing educational opportunities for diverse populations with the assistance of funds from the Catholic Negro American Mission Board that have been allocated toward teachers’ salaries. Compensation for Catholic School teachers is traditionally lower than most public schools, however, York Catholic has been able to bring salaries on par with public school counterparts through fundraising, donations, and grant allocations. Attractive compensation allows YC to recruit and reward excellence. In turn, the school is respected within the community and desired as an educational choice.

Some families need assistance with meeting the cost of tuition and the school has increased ways to meet the demand.
York Catholic is an approved organization able to accept gifts through both the OSTC (Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit) and EITC (Educational Incentive Tax Credit) programs. Corporate donors who designate gifts within these programs can earn up to 90% in tax credits for the total amount of their donations. Gifts provided under these vital programs are directly applied to providing tuition assistance and financial aid to YC students and their families, helping to make a YC education accessible to more of our communities’ amazing youth and young adults. York Catholic also promotes the Special Purpose Entity (SPE) program which allows Pennsylvania individuals to re-direct 90% of personal state income taxes to York Catholic. SPE gifts are directly applied to tuition assistance to help make a YC education accessible to a greater number of students around our community.

Assistance from the community is at the heart of increasing educational opportunities for children. York Catholic thanks the Black and Indian Mission Office for its support of this worthwhile cause.