Archdiocese of Seattle Multicultural Ministries
On Monday, Jan. 16th, 2023, The Most Reverend Frank R. Schuster, Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Seattle, and Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul parish in Federal, Washington; led the celebration of the Martin Luther King Jr. Mass at Seattle University.
Approximately 150 people were in attendance for the Holy Mass.
The keynote speak was Mr. Malcolm Nelson. Mr. Nelson shared his journey of success. As a young child he promised his principle that he would return to St. Teresa Catholic Academy and become the principle someday. Today, his dreams have come true as he serves as principle of St. Teresa. He stressed the importance of education and has shared his journey with the students. Mr. Nelson desires that St. Therese create servant leaders for a diverse world. He wants his school to be a Christ loving and justice driven community.