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August 2021 Submission

September 10, 2021

St. Mary Catholic School

St. Mary Catholic School took great pleasure in welcoming students and families who are new and returning to school for the 2021-2022 school year. Principal Edna Thomas, warmly greeted parents as they dropped off their students, her smile and kind nature relaxed each student as she took their temperature and asked them to sanitize their hands at the newly installed sanitizing station by our front gate. Children eagerly made their way to their promoted classroom, for the first time, passing the beautifully manicured gardens with the yellow Mandevilla tropical vine trained just so by Mr. Torress and Mr. Freddie. The architecture and gardens at St. Mary's are welcoming, clean, and the architecture is maintained. Volunteers from the church took great care in designing the new bulletin boards for the courtyard! All feel cared for.

In class, teachers and students introduced one another and then the whole school started the day by attending Holy Mass. Father Lynch extended a warm greeting to all of St. Mary Staff, Teachers, and Students. Children joined in singing led by their beloved religion teacher, Ms. Joseph. It was a special way to settle back into our religious education at St. Mary's. To hear the children sing again is always a nice start to the new year.

As children returned to class, they didn't stay long in their seats. With the intention for students and teachers to familiarize themselves, each teacher walked their students from class to class introducing her students to the teacher and to the class in the room. This is a beautiful way to orient the children and begin to have a sense of place in the larger whole of our school family. All in all, the children, staff and teachers had a rewarding and heart centered day, filled with new beginnings.