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Introducing WSG Girls Go Global!

August 22, 2024

Washington School for Girls

The Washington School for Girls (WSG) has introduced a new travel program, Girls Go Global! This program is designed to provide our students with the unique opportunity to travel abroad, experience new cultures, and meet girls from our sister school in London, the St. Claudine's Catholic School for Girls; it's sisterhood across the pond!

Last summer, Dr. Beth Reaves, President of WSG, traveled to Mexico City with Sr. Mary Bourdon–one of WSG’s co-founders and former Head of School–and the Religious of Jesus and Mary (RJM) as part of their International Meeting on Shared Mission. While in Mexico City, Dr. Reaves met two colleagues from England; Carol Charles, from RJM Felixstowe and AnnMarie Sylvester Charles, from St. Claudine’s Catholic School for Girls in London. She felt an immediate connection to them and their work and was enthusiastic about the possibility of connecting our schools from across the globe together.

Fast forward to this summer, WSG took the first big step towards making that dream a reality. With the generous support of the RJMs, three WSG staff members traveled with Sr. Mary Bourdon to London and Felixstowe, England. They joined students from St. Claudine’s on their annual retreat in Felixstowe, themed “Finding God in a Leaf.” Over the course of 3 days, they prayed, explored nature and contemplated the responsibility we all have for care of the earth. It was a great opportunity to be with the students and RJM sisters at Felixstowe, reflecting on our diverse experiences and praying for our shared humanity.

This spring, WSG’s 8th graders will embark on our first international trip to England in collaboration with St. Claudine’s School and the RJM sisters! Students will explore history and culture in London before joining students from St. Claudine’s at their annual retreat in Felixstowe. We want our students to see beyond their own community and learn more about life for their peers in another part of the world. Allowing our students to spend time with peer students from London and in community with RJM sisters provides an incredible learning opportunity that could never be taught in a textbook. It is a vibrant in-person experience of sisterhood that will help them grow personally, spiritually, and build important skills for their futures.