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It's who we are

November 01, 2024

St Anthony Indian Mission

One of the highlights of St. Anthony Indian School year is our Native American Day which had to be scheduled earlier than usual this school year. For several weeks in advance of the event the students start their practice. The campus is filled with the sound of drums resonating from the gym.

Preparation involves not just students and faculty but all the parents. Six schedule work-nights are set aside for parents and staff to gather of an evening in the cafeteria to prepare headdresses, traditional costumes and everything needed to facilitate their children’s delight in their cultural heritage. It’s also great fun! Pizzas appear miraculously as cries go up for pliers, wool, glue and a million other things. I noticed one parent measuring the head of student and marking both the leather and the head while muttering something about how much the head has grown since last year!

Unashamedly this is a time of pride for me, as I see the students enjoy the activity, take part and work with their parents to prepare an occasion that demonstrates the values both Zuni and Christian inspired by the school.

On the day, parents crowded into our gym to watch their children celebrate their identity. Every grade danced faultlessly through some complex maneuvers. Even as students sat waiting their turn to dance, I noticed feet tapping and turning to the rhythm of the drums.

After the event one of the grandparents simply said to me “Another successful Native American day, better than ever”.

Our students celebrate who they are and the God given life into which they have been born. It is an affirmation of all we try to achieve for our students, remember the tradition, celebrate life and build an even better tomorrow.