The month of November was filled with family stories of veterans who had served, or are currently serving, our country in various wars, including WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Desert Storm, and Iraq, among other deployments.
Our school year is in full swing and we have had a number of notable activities and events. After an incredibly successful season, the 8th grade girls’ basketball team was awarded third place in our conference.
St. Joseph Middle School students on May 7th boarded the Amtrak train that would eventually take them to the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana for two days. There they would meet Yvette Pino a 2014 graduate of St. Joseph Mission School.
Kateri Tekakwitha continues to celebrate a weekly Mass and usually an impromptu gathering afterwards. Many Sundays, the congregation will linger to share snacks.
Our Kateri groups have begun to study the book, Rediscover Jesus: An Invitation. This book was recommended by one of the participants from Great Falls, Montana.
The month began with baptismal classes on the first Sunday, with a total of 24 for all the months. All religious faith formation classes continue with full attendance for the majority in all the months.