St. Michael Indian celebrated Catholic Schools Week starting with a drive for the Little Sisters of the Poor for paper goods and personal hygiene items.
De La Salle Blackfeet School kicked off Catholic Schools Week 2020 with a Sunday Mass hosted by our 8th grade class and other student leaders at our school parish, Little Flower Parish.
Under the guidance and direction of our scripture teacher Maureen Foley-Bensen, the participants of the Kateri Program have been journeying together through the passages within the Book of Exodus.
Shawano, WI –Sacred Heart Catholic School kicked off National Catholic School’s Week on Sunday, January 26 with an open house themed ‘Sacred Heart Rocks- We are God’s Rock Stars!’
The month of November was filled with family stories of veterans who had served, or are currently serving, our country in various wars, including WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Desert Storm, and Iraq, among other deployments.