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Indian Mission | 

“The New Evangelization is accomplished with a smile, not a frown.”
—Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York and 

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The Catholic Identity at St. Mary’s School is strong and it is infused throughout the entire program.

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First grade students in Catherine Pate’s Art class worked together on four collages of black Catholic candidates for Sainthood.

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Each Lenten season the eighth grade class traditionally participates in a different form of prayer to God: the Living Stations of the Cross.

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A Prophet for the Modern World

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Lent 2015

Indian Mission | 

As a youth, Black Elk received a great vision to serve Wakantanka, the Great Spirit, and he became a great healer among the Lakota people.

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In 2015 the contest is open to any  3rd, 4th and 5th   graders in Catholic schools and parish religious education programs that receive grants from either the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions or

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Sr. Francis served St. Augustine’s from 1978 to 1983, and returned to serve from 2001 and remains on staff today.