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Accompanying and Enhancing Our Children's Faith Journey

September 02, 2019

Our Mother of Mercy

One of the pastoral goals at Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Parish (OMM) is to pass on the teachings and the gospel message of Jesus Christ to the younger generation of children of the families that are comprised of our OMM parish community. We accomplish this necessary and important task by using the parish Religious Education or Catechetical Instruction program with the assistance of many parish volunteers and teachers.

The grants that we receive from the Black and Indian Grants allow our teachers and volunteers to develop catechetical programs to enhance and nurture the faith of our younger members.

This year Holy Week, particularly on Holy Friday, our teachers along with all the students from various classes or grades reenacted the Stations of the Cross. To prepare our children for the Holy Triduum, one of the holiest days of the Liturgical calendar, and enhance their understanding of the Easter Celebration, our teachers and volunteers helped the students to relive Jesus’ Passion. Furthermore, the students were given an opportunity not only to relive Jesus’ Passion, but also to widen their knowledge of the Roman Catholic teachings and traditions on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In addition, 8 of our students were able to receive First Communion, and during this past summer, 20 students had an opportunity to learn about the bible and other religious instructions in a program called VBS (Vacation Bible School) – a week long study of various biblical themes for children from (ages 5-15).

Vacation Bible School 2019. Students Enjoying Lunch Prepared by Our Teachers & Volunteers.

Vacation Bible School 2019. Students Enjoying Lunch Prepared by Our Teachers & Volunteers.

One of Our Volunteers Helping Students with Their VBS Activities.

One of Our Volunteers Helping Students with Their VBS Activities.

First Communion Celebration 2019. 8 of Our Students in First Communion Class Participated in the Sunday Liturgy.

First Communion Celebration 2019. 8 of Our Students in First Communion Class Participated in the Sunday Liturgy.

OMM Teachers and Students Participated in the Stations of The Cross During Holy Friday.

OMM Teachers and Students Participated in the Stations of The Cross During Holy Friday.