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Catholic Schools Week Rocked!

February 03, 2020

Sacred Heart Catholic Parish/School

Shawano, WI –Sacred Heart Catholic School kicked off National Catholic School’s Week on Sunday, January 26 with an open house themed ‘Sacred Heart Rocks- We are God’s Rock Stars!’ Sacred Heart Catholic School is excited to honor Catholic education in Shawano, and the special role they have played in the community for 138 years as the only Catholic school in Shawano County! The school has seen great growth over the last five years and currently has the highest enrollment they have had in over a decade! This gives them great reason to rock out and celebrate!!

The Sacred Heart Rocks Open House started with a 10:45am Family Mass at Sacred Heart Parish followed by the opening of the school’s doors to the whole community for an afternoon of free activities that included a lip sync battle and karaoke contest lead by DJ Beantown Entertainment, door prize drawings, free Luigi’s pizza, Sunkist slushies, and ice cream sundaes, classroom door decorating contest, and a rockin’ photo booth area. Each teacher had a cool activity in their classroom for guests to enjoy like popcorn dancing, cosmic slime, guitar decorating, and more!

Tuesday the school enjoyed an awesome Field Day. The students were broken into multi-age groups and worked on sportsmanship, teamwork, cooperation, kindness, and strength during the three hour event!! Activities included blind-man's volleyball, mummy run, tug-of-war, ice cream cone relay, over-under, scooter relays, and more! Sacred Heart ROCKS when they work together and have fun!!

Congratulations to Bryton Van Gheem, the Sacred Heart Catholic School Geography Bee Champion, that the school held during their Catholic Schools Week 'Special Persons Day' on Wednesday, January 29. Bryton is pictured with Alynn Fowler-Doxtator who took 2nd place at left, and Corinna Ramirez who came in third place. We are so proud of you all!! Great job to all the school's participants in grades 4-8. Bryton will now have the opportunity to participate in the regional finals.

Thursday, January 30 showcased our Rock Star students and their bright futures with using their God given gifts as they showed off by participating in Bright Futures- CAREER DAY! Just look at these future athletes, scientists, singers, teachers, nurses, doctors, veterinarians, dog trainers, fire fighters, and MORE!!

The Holy Spirit then filled the Sacred Heart Catholic School gymnasium the evening of Thursday, January 30 as Jennie Williamson, Nashville TN, Christian Recording Artist, entertained 300 guests! It was such a blessing to see members of Catholic, Lutheran, and nondenominational churches and community groups come together at the rural Catholic school to celebrate just how Great God Is during National Catholic Schools Week! Jennie graced guests with her gifts, passion, and grace, sense of humor, beautiful voice, and high energy! Everyone was dancing, singing, and praising together, children and adults alike. Jennie welcomed the children up by her for her several songs, and got the adults involved throughout, too. Her concerts never disappoint and are full of great messages of hope, faith, and love. Jennie had given a private concert during the day to Sacred Heart Catholic School students and staff, and the school had invited elementary students and staff from St. Rose St. Mary's School of Clintonville and St. James Lutheran of Shawano. Everyone was dancing, rejoicing, and singing the entire time!

The school would like to thank all who came, as well as expressing a very special thank you to local concert sponsors, Tim and Kathy Lohmiller, Luigi's Pizza and Pasta, Dean and Jeanne -Kaczorowski--Thrivent Financial, and Sacred Heart Catholic School! Sacred Heart's Director of Admissions and Development, and event coordinator, Autumne Gee, would like to personally thank Mrs.Tanya Myerchin (Food Services Manager), Lori Mathwich (Coordinator of Religious Education), and Kate Ruth (Youth Minister) for preparing and running the taco bar meal before the concert, and Shawn Mathwich and Jed Meidam for being on standby for medical and emergency situations.

Sacred Heart Catholic School in Shawano had an amazing conclusion to their Catholic Schools Week 2019-2020 on Friday, January 31 by not only having a pajama and movie day, but by getting a visit from Chad Kary, founder of Georgia's House, and Catholic Order of Foresters representative, Katelynn Rose Bicek. The school held a gently used toy or book collection as their service project for the week in support of Georgia's House in Green Bay. Founder, Chad Kary, is a Sacred Heart Catholic School alumni, so this project was near and dear to their hearts. This collection was a blessed collaboration between the Catholic Order of Foresters, Georgia's House, and Sacred Heart Catholic School. Each student was asked to look through their own toys and books and give up something of their own in order to help the families who stay at Georgia's House. This is a true act of giving and an important lesson for students to learn, which they embraced day by day as the collection boxes got fuller and fuller. The school collected nearly 100 total items to donate to Georgia's House, which currently has a family staying there that has four children in addition to their infant son who is at a nearby hospital in their NICU. Georgia’s House is a home that was purchased by the Kary family in 2019 for families who have an infant at St. Vincent’s NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) in Green Bay, in loving memory of their daughter, Georgia, who sadly passed away after arriving 14 weeks early. The Kary family wanted to give back to other families who go through the same struggles they did while having an infant in the NICU. Being close to your infant, while staying together as a family, is an important component of handling such a stressful and difficult time. Sacred Heart Catholic School was truly honored to support the Kary family and honor baby Georgia in this special way. The school would like to thank all the school families who donated a toy or book for Georgia's House!
Sacred Heart truly ROCKS!!