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Cleveland Diocese offers Black Catholic Cultural Experience

May 28, 2024


Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament

Sr. Jane Nesmith, SBS, accompanied ten Black Catholics from the Diocese of Cleveland on a cultural pilgrimage to Tanzania, East Africa from May 8-May 20th.

Three of the diocesan African American parishes have Tanzanian Sisters assisting in Cleveland schools. This cultural pilgrimage enabled the Black community to share a bit of the culture of the Sisters.

Each traveler was able to check two 50 lb bags for free, with children's clothing and shoes which were delivered to Mgolole Orphanage in Morogoro on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Fr. John Judie, from the Diocese of Louisville acted as the tour guide. Since his retirement, he spends 6 months of the year in Tanzania annually and speaks Swaheli fluently.