St. Joseph High School
St. Joseph High School has always been a school with a strong culture of activism. The integrity to do what is right, despite cultural expectations. From their beginnings, the Sisters of St. Joseph have always stood up for what is right, despite cultural disapproval.
Today is no different. On Friday, September 20th, a group of our SJHS students along with students from our sister schools like The Mary Louis Academy, and Fontbonne Hall Academy joined thousands of other students from around the city to protest the government’s lack of action to combat climate change.
Starting at Foley Square, our students marched alongside over 400,000 other students towards Battery Park. Carrying the school banner as they marched, our students proudly showed that they stand against what the Church calls “ecological sin.”
And again on October 29th, our entire student body marched across downtown Brooklyn in honor of breast cancer awareness month. With prayers in their hearts, they walked in silence in solidarity with the victims of breast cancer. Once back at the school, our students shared their personal experiences of family and loved ones who had gone through medical turmoil. It was a touching moment to see the students openly share these personal experiences with one another.
We are very proud as we see our students publicly standing up for their beliefs and working to create change. We are very excited to see where the future will take them, and knowing that wherever they choose to go, they will take with them a deep sense of integrity and compassion.