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Summer 2024

August 24, 2024

St. Michael and St. Anthony

St. Michael’s parish celebrated Father Hanz’s 20th Ordination Anniversary on June 7th. It started with a wonderful Mass and ended with dinner and surprise karaoke performances by Fr. Hanz and several of his fellow Filipino Priests. On June 23rd, St. Michael’s held their Parish Picnic. Indian Tacos were served, with several church members making the fry bread fresh in the kitchen. There were free kids’ games, with prizes, face painting done by one of the Confirmation students, and demos by the County Sheriff Department’s K-9 and the Tribal Police K-9. Our Book Share (free book library) and Thrift & Gift were also open. There was also a bake sale that completely sold out and a wonderful basket raffle, with baskets offered for all ages and interests. July was a much slower month, giving all our volunteers time to relax and enjoy summer. Then, on August 18th, we were once again, the church volunteering at Primal Eats’ Keep the Sabbath Day Holy event. Volunteers served a limited menu and Primal Eats brought in a musician, Frankie Moscato, to perform. Later in the afternoon, Father Hanz with his fellow singing Filipino priests took the stage. It was very well attended and lots of compliments were paid to Father and our parish!

At St. Anthony parish, the summer was a bit slower, but it was very eventful for five Faith Formation students who celebrated their First Confessions and First Communion. The First Communion Mass was held on May 5th. At the Mass, the First Communicants were able to receive both the Body and Blood, under the new directive given by Bishop David Ricken. Prior to the Mass, the parish had their May Crowning. The two children that participated in the crowning had only missed one Faith Formation class during the year.