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Servant Leaders

April 10, 2019
Peach State Health Plan truck

The mission of St Peter Claver Catholic School, Macon, in the Heart of Georgia, is to educate the hearts and minds of our diverse students in the spirit of the Gospel so that they are both academically prepared and service oriented. Every second week, our students work in the St. Peter Claver Parish food pantry. Today Mrs. Christina Marley’s fifth graders served lunch to the food pantry clients. It was service with a smile from our little servant leaders. They are the embodiment of our mission’s success. Our food pantry team is partnering with Peach State Health Plan who delivers fresh fruit and vegetables to the pantry in a wonderful mobile grocery. This is an important part of our program now because our school and parish is located in a food desert in a very blighted part of Macon. The students and staff always enjoy the smiling face of the epic Mr. Craig Washington, Community Relations Manager for Peach State Health Plan, and driver extraordinaire!

Mrs. Marley and her 5th graders

Mrs. Marley and her 5th graders

Peach State Health Truck

Peach State Health Truck

5th grade helping hands

5th grade helping hands

Mr. Washington drives the truck

Mr. Washington drives the truck