We invited parents and grandparents of RE students to an Advent breakfast after Mass. Students assisted with lighting the 2nd Sunday of Advent candle as well as reading the prayer.
Sioux Spiritual Center has had its busiest fall in 7 years this year! It started with the Canku Wakan Retreat in September which was a very joyful experience.
Winter has come again to St. Andrews Mission near Pendleton, Oregon. It has brought very cold temperatures and snows to the Umatilla Indian Reservation.
St. Rita Church Spanish Community celebrated Our Lady of Guadalupe with a procession before Mass on Sunday, Dec. 12, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
On August 15th this year we only had one Mass here at the Sacred Heart Mission. The Coeur d’Alene Tribe has been celebrating the Feast of Assumption at Cataldo every year with the Bishop.