Welcome! All were welcomed to join a collaboration of Catholics of African, African American, or Caribbean descent.
Learn about six holy lives in an upcoming EWTN documentary.
The AACC scholarship committee started a school supply drive for students in need at Catholic schools on church sites.
Many native Americans from San Carlos Apache Mission gathered to celebrate Palm Sunday with Father John Paul Shea.
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your family. It is my pleasure to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous support of the mission for the month of June and July.
Thank you for contributing financially to the Faith Formation of the youth of Rocky Boy Indian Reservation and Box Elder. Providing faith formation to help our youth with their faith in their relationship with the Trinity is crucial to the future of our Church.
On April 1st, the Saturday before Palm Sunday, over 70 pilgrims met at 8am at St. Bartholomew Mission Church in Bayfield, Colorado to kick-start their Holy Week celebrations with a half-day penitential walk to St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish Church in Ignacio.
What a wonderful time of year to reflect on the blessings of the new school year! During October, St. Peter Claver Catholic School hosts their Annual Fall Gala supporting the students of the Historic St. Peter Claver Catholic School!
Our Annual Lunch with the Governors was held on June 30,2022. This gathering brings together the Governors of the twenty Pueblos and Archbishop John C. Wester.